Guided Tours
Let us show you around Louisiana’s Playground!Take the scenic route and learn about Southwest Louisiana on a guided water tour via boat or kayak!

Kayak Tours
Our kayak tours are perfect for every kayaker — beginner to experienced! Once familiar with your kayak, we will take you on a private tour of some of our favorite scenic areas around Lake Charles. Experience the lush vegetation and abundant wildlife SWLA has to offer!
Boat Tours
A boat tour with a Lake Area Adventures captain is the perfect addition to a day or evening with friends and family! Gather everyone up and meet us at the boat launch. We’ll take you on a personalized tour to check out our local waterways.
Book Your Adventure!
Boat and kayak tours are booked on an individual basis by phone or email. Each trip is uniquely tailored to the guests we’re hosting and their desired adventures!
Sunset Kayak Tours

No city has sunsets quite like Lake Charles! It’s no surprise that our most popular tour centers around the iconic view. Join us on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month, as we paddle out on the lake to take in the sunset!

$60 per person
Price includes a kayak, paddle & life vest.
Adventure details: